Feb 07, 2025  
2006-2007 EIU Undergraduate Catalog 
2006-2007 EIU Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Program Definitions

Definition of Terms


A degree is the title which the University confers on a graduate as the result of his/her having completed university requirements for that degree. Eastern Illinois University confers the following degrees at the undergraduate level:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  • Bachelor of Science (BS)
  • Bachelor of Science in Business (BSB)
  • Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd)
  • Bachelor of Music (BMus.)


A major is a field of study containing specific course requirements unique to a broad field of academic specialization. Requirements of all majors offered at EIU appear in this section.

Note: A student pursuing a degree other than a BS in Business cannot count more than 30 semester hours of business subjects toward fulfillment of bachelor’s degree requirements.


An option is a subset of a major academic field and provides a greater specificity within the broad area of knowledge of that major field of study. Examples of options offered at EIU are the teacher certification options offered in many of the majors, and such specialized options as the Graphic Design Option in the Art major.


A minor is a part of a students curriculum which allows that student to formally participate in a discipline or field of study outside his or her major. Most degree programs do not require a minor. In order to declare a minor or minors, a student should either go to the Registration Office, or declare the minor on their Application for Graduation. Once the Application for Graduation has been made, a student who wishes to drop a minor or minors must reapply for graduation.

For students in teacher certification programs who wish to be certified in more than one teaching discipline, teacher certification minors are available. These minors are NOT available to students enrolled in majors that are not teacher certification programs. Completion of a teacher certification minor does not guarantee that the individual will be granted an endorsement to teach in that field. Individuals must meet all requirements (including state tests) as set forth by the Illinois State Board of Education to be granted an endorsement in a second teaching field. Once the appropriate Dean indicates that the student has met the catalog requirements for the program, the teaching minor will be entered on the applicants permanent record.

A student should plan a minor or teaching minor program in consultation with an appropriate advisor or Department Chairperson. If a student wishes to add a minor after having applied for graduation, he or she must reapply and note the addition on the reapplication for graduation.

Requirements for Minors

  1. Students should declare their minor as soon as possible.
  2. No courses in the minor can be taken credit/no credit unless they are courses which are designated as credit/no credit (such as internship).
  3. At least six (6) semester hours of the coursework in the minor must be completed in residence. These six (6) hours must also be taken for a grade in order to establish a grade point average for the minor.
  4. Minor GPA is computed from grades earned in minor courses taken at EIU only.
  5. Semester hours earned in independent study, research, internship, or study abroad may be used toward minor requirements at the discretion of and with the approval of the minor department(s).
  6. In order for the minor to appear on a students permanent transcript, students must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.00 in a non-teaching minor. Students with teaching minors who entered Fall 2002 and thereafter must earn a GPA of at least 2.65 in order for the minor to appear on their permanent transcript.

Pre-Degree and Non-Degree Programs

Pre-degree and non-degree programs are those which do not lead to graduation at EIU. The student and his/her advisor may make changes to such programs without the formality of application for a waiver.

Responsibility of the Student

The student has the ultimate responsibility to fulfill the requirements for a degree/program, to check his/her own eligibility to take courses, and to observe the academic rules governing his/her program. The advisor’s role is to assist him/her in making important decisions.