Mar 28, 2025
2024-2025 EIU Undergraduate Catalog
General Education
General Education at Eastern Illinois University offers students an intellectual foundation for their academic, professional, and personal lives. The General Education program is aligned with the University’s mission to help students “refine their abilities to reason and to communicate clearly so as to become responsible citizens and leaders.” General Education refers to the part of the university’s education common to all students. By facilitating students’ exploration of questions across multiple fields of study, general education courses foster knowledge, while also engaging students in issues encountered by citizens in a democracy.
Core intellectual skills embodied in our university learning goals—critical thinking, writing & critical reading, speaking & listening, quantitative reasoning, and various aspects of responsible citizenship (ethical reasoning, considering diverse perspectives, and civic implications)—are practiced and integrated continuously across general education.
Courses in the other segments of general education focus on a particular learning goal in addition to their topic content (e.g., quantitative reasoning in the natural sciences, communication in the arts and humanities, responsible citizenship in the social and behavioral sciences) and also give focused attention to critical thinking and at least one other learning goal. Courses that target a specific university learning goal have learning objectives and graded assignments tied to the learning goal; they also provide explicit instruction, practice, and feedback related to the development of that skill.
Semester Hour Requirements in the General Education Program
Language (2 composition + 1 speech) | 9 semester hours | Humanities and Fine Arts | 9 semester hours | Mathematics | 3 semester hours | Scientific Awareness | 7 semester hours | Social/Behavioral Sciences | 9 semester hours | Senior Seminar/Study Abroad/Capstone | 3 hours | One Cultural Diversity course included above | (*indicated by an asterisk below) | TOTAL | 40 hours | Students following catalogs prior to Fall 2006 must satisfy the constitution requirement. Please refer to the catalog section titled ”Academic Regulations” for the complete list of requirements for graduation. General Education Courses Required of ALL Teacher Licensure Candidates Either as Part of the Above Required 40 semester hours or in addition to the IAI Core or Transfer General Education: -
A 3 semester hour Diversity Course or Third World/Non-Western Course -
“C” or better in ENG 1001G, ENG 1002G, CMN 1310G or their equivalents (a minimum of 9 semester hours is required.) -
“C” or better in 3 semester hours of college level math -
PLS 1153G or HIS 3600G or an equivalent U.S. Constitution course Note: Post-baccalaureate Teacher Licensure Candidates must meet all general education requirements with the exception of Senior Seminar. General Education Courses Listed by Category
(9 semester hours with a “C” or higher in each course) Courses transferred in fulfillment of these requirements will be accepted only if they were completed with grades of “C” or higher. College Composition I (3 credits)
College Composition II (3 credits)
Intro to Speech Communication (3 credits)
(9 semester hours) Complete at least one course from humanities and one from fine arts; courses must represent at least two different disciplines: Humanities | 3 hours | Fine Arts | 3 hours | Humanities OR Fine Arts | 3 hours | World Languages and Cultures
- HIS 1500G - Roots of the Modern World: Society and Religion. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1521G - World History: Human Rights in History. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1522G - World History: Slavery and Freedom. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1525G - World History: Empires in Global History. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1526G - World History: The Twentieth-Century World. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1527G - World History: Gaming the Past. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1590G - Roots of the Modern World: Society and Religion, Honors. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1595G - World History: Empires in Global History, Honors. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1596G - World History: The Twentieth-Century World, Honors. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1597G - World History: Human Rights in History, Honors. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1598G - World History: Slavery and Freedom, Honors. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 1599G - World History: Gaming the Past, Honors. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 2010G - History of the United States to 1877. Credits: 3
- HIS 2020G - History of the United States Since 1877. Credits: 3
- HIS 2030G - US History: The Black Experience. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 2040G - US History: Gender and Sexuality. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 2050G - US History: Building Latino/a/e Communities. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 2060G - US History: The History of Your Life. Credits: 3
- HIS 2090G - History of the United States to 1877, Honors. Credits: 3
- HIS 2091G - History of the United States Since 1877, Honors. Credits: 3
- HIS 2094G - US History: Gender and Sexuality, Honors. Credits: 3 *
- HIS 2096G - US History: The History of Your Life, Honors. Credits: 3
Humanities Interdisciplinary Courses
(7 semester hours) Complete at least one course in the biological sciences and one in the physical sciences. At least one of the courses must be a laboratory course: Biological Sciences | 3 or 4 hours | Physical Sciences | 3 or 4 hours | Earth Science/Geography/Geology
(9 semester hours) Choose courses from at least two different disciplines. Hospitality Tourism and Management
Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
(3 semester hours) - EIU 4100G - Folklore, Culture, and Society. Credits: 3
- EIU 4101G - Spaceship Earth: The Present State. Credits: 3
- EIU 4102G - Technology and Society. Credits: 3
- EIU 4104G - World Film: Language and Culture in Film. Credits: 3
- EIU 4105G - Controversial Issues in Education. Credits: 3
- EIU 4106G - War Stories. Credits: 3
- EIU 4107G - The Idea of a University: Yesterday and Today. Credits: 3
- EIU 4108G - Special Topics in Women’s, Gender and/or Sexuality Studies. Credits: 3
- EIU 4109G - The Politics of Human Rights. Credits: 3
- EIU 4110G - Frontiers of Communication. Credits: 3
- EIU 4111G - Plants and Civilizations. Credits: 3
- EIU 4112G - Women and Technology. Credits: 3
- EIU 4113G - The European Union: A Multi-cultural Approach. Credits: 3
- EIU 4114G - Senior Seminar: Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies in Matters of Culture. Credits: 3
- EIU 4115G - Pop Culture Economics. Credits: 3
- EIU 4116G - Conspiracy Theories in the U.S. Credits: 3
- EIU 4118G - Sociobiology: The Biological Origins of Social Practices. Credits: 3
- EIU 4121G - Leisure Time: The American Perspective. Credits: 3
- EIU 4123G - Social Movements, Crowds, and Violence. Credits: 3
- EIU 4125G - Cultural Diversity in the United States. Credits: 3
- EIU 4126G - Body, Health, and Society. Credits: 3
- EIU 4128G - Politics and Popular Culture. Credits: 3
- EIU 4129G - Law and Technology. Credits: 3
- EIU 4131G - Modern Biomedical Science: Promise and Problems. Credits: 3
- EIU 4142G - Telecommunication Issues in the Third Millennium. Credits: 3
- EIU 4150G - International Culinary Tourism. Credits: 3
- EIU 4151G - Nutritional Dilemmas and Decisions. Credits: 3
- EIU 4155G - The European Witchhunts. Credits: 3
- EIU 4158G - Freedom of Expression. Credits: 3
- EIU 4160G - Personal Financial Investments. Credits: 3
- EIU 4161G - Social Justice and the Stage: Theatre from Aristophanes’ Lysistrata to Miranda’s Hamilton. Credits: 3
- EIU 4162G - Women’s Voices: Women in the Theatre. Credits: 3
- EIU 4165G - Journalistic Media in Society. Credits: 3
- EIU 4167G - The Meaning of Life. Credits: 3
- EIU 4168G - The Internet as a Social Phenomenon. Credits: 3
- EIU 4169G - Women in Science. Credits: 3
- EIU 4170G - History on Film. Credits: 3
- EIU 4171G - Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels: A History of Graphic Narratives. Credits: 3
- EIU 4172G - Communication, Organizations and their Environments. Credits: 3
- EIU 4173G - Environmental Communication. Credits: 3
- EIU 4174G - Documentary Film and Society. Credits: 3 *
- EIU 4190G - Spaceship Earth: The Present State, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4191G - Leisure Time: The American Perspective, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4192G - Film and Contemporary Society, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4193G - The Holocaust, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4194G - Leadership: Theory and Practice, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4195G - The European Witchhunts, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4197G - Freedom of Expression: Dissent, Hate, and Heresy, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4198G - Mischievous Molds, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4199G - The Politics of Human Rights, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4290G - Plants and Civilization, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4291G - Pop Culture Economics, Honors. Credits: 4
- EIU 4296G - Body, Health, and Society, Honors. Credits: 4
Study Abroad Capstone
Study Abroad Program (2+ semester hours) and STA 4000G (1 semester hour) – Study Abroad is a high quality international academic opportunity that enables students to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for leadership in an interdependent world. The University offers study abroad programs in more than 30 countries around the world. Competitive scholarships are available. Students should plan and apply early. After successful completion of an approved EIU study abroad program, and 75 semester hours, students are eligible to take STA 4000G. As a capstone, STA 4000G will require students to exercise their abilities to think critically about their global education experiences. STA 4000G incorporates university assessment activities, which may include tests, surveys and other instruments. To allow ample time for writing and discussion, STA 4000G, will be limited to a maximum of 25 students. |