Jul 02, 2024  
2023-2024 EIU Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 EIU Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Career & Technical Education

Career & Technical Education (B.S.)

Total Semester Hours Required for Degree: 120-124 hours depending on Emphasis (see below)

Career and Technical Education prepares students to teach middle or secondary level business, family and consumer sciences, or technology.

The business education emphasis requires 41 hours of general education, 42 hours of professional education, and 33 hours of content. The family and consumer sciences education emphasis requires 40 hours of general education, 49 hours of professional education, and 34 hours of content. The technology education emphasis requires 40 hours of general education, 36/39 hours of professional education, and 41 hours of content.

This major requires that students follow and meet the requirements for Admission, Retention and Graduation from Teacher Licensure programs as described in the “Teacher Licensure Programs” section of this catalog and as explained at the University Admission to Teacher Education Meeting which all students must attend. Students must gain University Approval to take Teacher Education Courses no later than the end of their first semester of their junior year in order to use this suggested plan. Additional information on Admission, Retention and Graduation for Teacher Licensure programs can be found on the College of Education website at https://www.eiu.edu/coe/.

Students must receive a “C” or better in all courses used toward graduation, regardless of where they are taken. This includes general education, professional education, major and minor courses, all university required courses, and electives. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative and major GPA of 2.65 in order to continue in the program.

Students must complete the professional education coursework following the Secondary Education Professional Education Course Sequence. Information is available in the Teacher Licensure Program section of this catalog.

Business Education

The Business Education emphasis comprises the following:

41 Semester Hours of General Education

Humanities & Fine Arts - Total: 9 hours

Social & Behavioral Sciences - Total: 9 hours

  • U.S. Constitution (PLS 1153G, PLS 1193G, HIS 3600G, HIS 3690G) Credits: 3

Scientific Awareness - Total: 7 hours

Biological and Physical.  One lab course required.

Mathematics - Total: 4 hours

3 semester hours of college math required.

Senior Seminar - Total: 3 hours

Foreign Language - Total: 0-8 hours

If needed or elective.

Secondary Education Program - Total: 39/40 hours

Professional Education:


1 Requires University Approval to Take Teacher Education Courses

Calculation of the major GPA is based on courses taken at EIU with the prefixes of CTE, ECN, ENT, HSL or ODL, MGT, and MIS.

Family and Consumer Sciences Education

The Family & Consumer Sciences Education emphasis comprises the following:

40 Semester Hours of General Education

Humanities & Fine Arts - Total: 9 hours

Social & Behavioral Sciences - Total: 9 hours

  • U.S. Constitution (PLS 1153G, PLS 1193G, HIS 3600G, HIS 3690G) Credits: 3

Scientific Awareness - Total: 7 hours

Biological and Physical.  One lab course required.

Mathematics - Total: 3 hours

3 semester hours of college math required.

Senior Seminar - Total: 3 hours

Foreign Language - Total: 0-8 hours

If needed or elective.

Family and Consumer Sciences - Total: 34 hours+

+CTE 3403 and HSL 2300G are double counted for six hours total.

Electives: 5 hours

In consultation with your academic advisor, elective hours can be taken in the FCS content areas, applied towards a minor or to be able to supervise cooperative education curriculum within the secondary education learning environment.


1 Requires University Approval to Take Teacher Education Courses

Calculation of the major GPA is based on courses taken at EIU with the prefixes of CTE, FMD. HSL, HTM, and NTR.

Technology Education

The Technical Education emphasis comprises the following:

40 Semester Hours of General Education

Humanities & Fine Arts - Total: 9 hours

Social & Behavioral Sciences - Total: 9 hours

  • Social Science Elective. Credits: 3
  • U.S. Constitution (PLS 1153G, PLS 1193G, HIS 3600G, HIS 3690G) Credits: 3

Scientific Awareness - Total: 7 hours

Biological and Physical.  One lab course required.

Mathematics - Total: 3 hours

Any Math General Education course.

Senior Seminar - Total: 3 hours

Foreign Language - Total: 0-8 hours

If needed or elective.

Technology Education - Total: 33 hours


1 Requires University Approval to Take Teacher Education Courses

Calculation of the major GPA is based on courses taken at EIU with prefixes of CIT, CMG, CTE, DGT, and EGT.