Sep 07, 2024  
2009-2011 EIU Graduate Catalog 
2009-2011 EIU Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

EIU Graduate School

Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University

Appointed Members

Mr. Roger Kratochvil, Mt. Olive
Ms. Julie I. Nimmons, Litchfield
Mr. William O’Rourke, Springfield
Dr. Robert Webb, Mattoon
Mr. Leo Welch, O’Fallon
Mr. Donald Yost, Charleston

Student Member

Mr. Eric Wilber, Monticello


Mr. William O’Rourke, Chairperson
Mr. Leo Welch, Vice Chairperson
Dr. Robert Webb,  Secretary
Mr. Roger Kratochvil, Pro-tem
Ms. Judith A. Gorrell, Assistant Secretary
Dr. William V. Weber, Treasurer

Eastern Illinois University Chief Administrative Officers


Dr. William L. Perry

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Blair M. Lord

Vice President for Business Affairs

Dr. William V. Weber

Vice President for External Relations

Dr. Jill F. Nilsen

Vice President for Student Affairs

Dr. Daniel P. Nadler