Oct 25, 2024  
2023-2024 EIU Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 EIU Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Program Mission: The MA Program in History offers accessible advanced historical study through online coursework in synchronous and asynchronous courses.In addition to furthering their knowledge of United States, Premodern World, and Modern World History through reading and research, students in the online graduate program in history develop their skills in writing and critical thinking.  The Master of Arts in History prepares graduates to pursue teaching, research (in government, business, or academia), and further graduate study. 

Admission Requirements: To be eligible for degree candidacy, applicants must meet all of the requirements for admission to the Graduate School (see “Admission to Graduate Degree and Certificate Programs”). Additional requirements include completing an application from the appropriate History Department Graduate Coordinator, submitting a statement of professional goals, and two confidential letters of recommendation.  Admission to the graduate program in History requires a minor in history or its equivalent.   Students must have written approval of the department prior to counting any graduate-level course (outside Eastern Illinois University’s History Department) toward graduate credit.

Degree Audit: The graduate plan of study is the EIU Degree Audit, which is generated automatically at the time of degree or certificate candidacy. Modifications of the standard EIU Degree Audit are submitted by the graduate coordinator to the certification officer in the Graduate School at the time modifications are approved. The Degree Audit serves as an unofficial summary of requirements for the program. Degree and certificate candidates are advised to review the comprehensive summary of the Degree Audit process specified on the “Requirements for All Degree and Certificate Candidates” section of the Graduate Catalog. Individual programs may require candidates to submit plans of study in addition to the Degree Audit, candidates should consult with the program coordinator.

Plan of Study Approval: For the Master of Arts in History, the student chooses during the first month of coursework major and minor concentrations in consultation with the graduate coordinator, who also helps the student identify members of an examination committee in those fields of concentration. The coordinator must approve the student’s plan of study.  The student should meet with the committee head (as well as the coordinator) from time-to-time to monitor exam progress.  The student must also contact professors who agree to serve as exam committee members based on the student’s concentration at that time.

Concentrations for the Master of Arts in History:

Premodern World Concentration:
The majority of course work on the study plan must be in European and world history before c. 1700 CE and must include HIS 5810 History and two. Two exam committee members must be chosen from professors who are European Premodern specialists. (Written exams are to cover Medieval/Early Modern to Modern ancient to early modern history). The minor field will be United States or Modern World History. Students must take either HIS 5800 or HIS 5820, depending on the minor field.

United States Concentration:
  The majority of course work on the study plan will be in United States History and must include HIS 5800. Two exam committee members must be chosen from professors who are United States specialists. (Written exams are to cover colonial period to present). The minor field will be Premodern or Modern World History. Student must take either HIS 5810 or HIS 5820, depending on the minor field.

Modern World Concentration: 
The majority of course work on the study plan must be in Modern World History (history since c.1700 excluding U.S. history) and must include HIS 5820. Two exam committee members must be chosen from professors who are specialists in modern history (exclusive of US History). (Written exams are to cover from 18th-century to present.) The minor field will be Premodern or United States History. Students must take either HIS 5810 or HIS 5800, depending on the chosen minor field.

Degree Requirements

Degree requirements include those outlined for the master’s degree by the Graduate School (see “Requirements for the Master’s Degree”).  In addition, all candidates for the Master of Arts in History without the Online Option for Teachers must pass a written comprehensive examination in the student’s concentration and an oral comprehensive examination in both concentration and minor field upon completion of all course work, and submit a graded and revised research paper and a bibliography of works read during their graduate studies.

Curriculum for the Master of Arts in History with Thesis

Total with Thesis. Credits: 30

  • Approved History courses numbered 4750 or higher. Credits: 21
    (See footnote *)

Curriculum for the Master of Arts in History without Thesis

Total. Credits: 32

  • Approved History courses numbered 4750 or higher. Credits: 29
    (See footnote *)


* The coordinator may approve a limited number of hours outside of history if the candidate can demonstrate that it is necessary to his/her goals.

Graduate Assistantships

Students enrolled full time in the online MA Program in History may be eligible for an assistantship. They must be on campus to perform their duties, per Graduate School regulations. Additional information on graduate assistantships may be obtained by contacting the Coordinator of Graduate Studies or Chair, Department of History, 2740 Coleman Hall, EIU.

Accelerated Graduate Program

Admission to the accelerated MA in History requires that a student have completed a minimum of 60 hours of undergraduate course credit and have a minimum undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.25 including 15 credit hours of History, 12 of which must be History credits completed at Eastern Illinois University with a 3.25 History GPA. In addition, applicants must have completed a HIS 1101 or SOS 2400 and HIS 2500 and two of the following courses required for the major: HIS 2010 or 2020, HIS 2560, HIS 3555, HIS 3600. Students must maintain a 3.25 cumulative and 3.25 History GPA in order to remain in the program while taking shared credit courses

To apply for the accelerated MA in History, applicants meeting the above requirements must submit two letters of reference that attest to the candidate’s academic ability, a statement of academic or professional goals, a curriculum vita/resume, and an optional writing sample to the Graduate Coordinator and must also complete the Graduate School’s Accelerated Program Application.

Shared Coursework

Students may select from the following courses for 9 hours of shared credit.