The Degree Program Allows Focus in the Following Four Areas
Career and Technical Education: The curriculum is designed for individuals who are committed to excellence in learning and education in the areas of Business Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, and Technology Education. Studies include curriculum development, social foundations of education, principles of career development, occupational perspectives, training program development, accelerated training and learning, administration and coordination techniques of cooperative occupational education, and instructional technology.
Computer Technology: The curriculum provides students with knowledge and skills in current computer technology. Key areas include data communications and networking technology, advanced database technology, multimedia and web technology, management of computer technology, data acquisition, industrial system simulation, advanced computer integrated manufacturing, automatic identification, and other industrial applications of computer technology.
Technology Management: The curriculum is suitable for students who desire to be part of an effective management team in industrial related organizations. The program offers the ideal blend of technical knowledge and management principles needed for effective leadership. Key areas include total quality systems, statistical quality assurance, design for quality, advanced manufacturing management, industrial productivity analysis, industrial simulation, advanced computer integrated manufacturing, plant layout and material handling technology, problem solving techniques for manufacturing, reliability, and product innovation.
Training and Development : This cluster of courses is suitable for students who aspire to be part of performance improvement teams in industry and business. It focuses on helping people in the organization to reach their excellence in their respective capacity. Studies include work performance technology, leadership, training systems management, instructional technology, conflict in the workplace, productive work teams, and accelerated training and learning.
In addition to the credit hour requirements, students with non-thesis options are required to be certified with comprehensive knowledge pertaining to their graduate study. Students are required to provide a satisfactory written report and an oral presentation under the guidance of a faculty mentor and the certification committee, during the graduating semester.
Elective Course Work
Elective course work in the School of Technology includes senior-graduate and graduate courses with the prefixes of TEC, INT (Industrial Technology) COS (Career and Organizational Studies), and CTE (Career and Technical Education).
Elective course work from other academic disciplines may be included on the student’s study plan with the written permission of the Graduate Coordinator or Chair, School of Technology.
Accelerated Graduate Program
Admission to the accelerated MS in Technology requires that a student have completed a minimum of 60 hours of undergraduate course credit and have a minimum undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.25. In addition, applicants must have completed a minimum of 30 hours in the undergraduate major of Computer Information Technology; Construction Management; Engineering Technology; or Digital Media Technology.
To apply for the accelerated MS in Technology, applicants meeting the above requirements must submit two letters of reference, a resume and a statement of purpose essay; which should include academic background, related work experience, personal and professional goals, and reasons to pursue graduate study in Technology to the Graduate Coordinator and must also complete the Graduate School’s Accelerated Program Application.