Mar 02, 2025
2018-2019 EIU Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Premodern Global Studies Minor
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Students who seek knowledge of the history, culture, and society of premodern societies are invited to consult with the advisor of the Premodern Global Studies Program for assistance in selecting courses suited to their individual needs.
A minimum of 18 hours from the following list, chosen from at least three different departments, with no more than three courses in any one single department:
Total Hours: 18
- ANT 3712 - World Archaeology. Credits: 3
- ANT 3900 - Hunters and Gatherers. Credits: 3
- ANT 3960* - Special Topics in Anthropology. Credits: 1 to 4
(See footnote *) - ANT 44001 - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 3
or ANT 44002 or ANT 44003 or ANT 44004 or ANT 44005 or ANT 44006 (See footnote *) - ART 2012G - Asian Art. Credits: 3
- ART 2601G - Art in the Pre-Modern Era. Credits: 3
- ART 2691G - Art in the Pre-Modern Era, Honors. Credits: 3
- ART 3610G - African Art. Credits: 3
- ART 3611G - Art in India and Southeast Asia. Credits: 3
- ART 3612G - Art in China and Japan. Credits: 3
- ART 3630 - Greek and Roman Art. Credits: 3
- ART 3641 - Early Medieval Art. Credits: 3
- ART 3642 - Romanesque and Gothic Art. Credits: 3
- ART 3651 - Italian Renaissance Art: Fifteenth Century. Credits: 3
- ART 3652 - Italian Renaissance Art: Sixteenth Century. Credits: 3
- ART 3660 - Baroque Art. Credits: 3
- ART 4400 - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 3
or ART 4401 or ART 4402 (See footnote *) - ENG 2601 - Backgrounds of Western Literature. Credits: 3
- ENG 2603 - Greek and Roman Mythology. Credits: 3
- ENG 2950 - Transatlantic Literary History: Culture, Literacies, and Technologies I. Credits: 3
- ENG 3009G - Myth and Culture. Credits: 3
- ENG 3099G - Myth and Culture, Honors. Credits: 3
- ENG 3600 - The Bible as Literature. Credits: 3
- ENG 3601A - Studies in Major Writers Before 1800. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - ENG 3604A - Special Topics in Literature and Language Before 1800. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - ENG 3700 - American Literature: 1450 to 1800. Credits: 3
- ENG 3800 - Medieval British Literature. Credits: 3
- ENG 3801 - Chaucer. Credits: 3
- ENG 3802 - Shakespeare. Credits: 3
- ENG 3803 - Renaissance and Seventeenth-Century British Literature. Credits: 3
- ENG 3804 - Milton. Credits: 3
- ENG 3805 - Restoration and Eighteenth-Century British Literature. Credits: 3
- ENG 3892 - Shakespeare, Honors. Credits: 3
- ENG 3903A - Women, Literature, and Language, Pre-1800. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - ENG 3907 - Asian Literatures. Credits: 3
- ENG 4400 - Independent Study. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - ENG 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - ENG 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - ENG 4901 - History of the English Language. Credits: 3
- FLF 3305 - French Literature I. Credits: 3
- FLF 4100 - Topics in Francophone Cultures. Credits: 1 to 3
or FLF 4100A or FLF 4100B (See footnote *) - FLF 4200 - Topics in Francophone Literatures. Credits: 1 to 3
or FLF 4200A or FLF 4200B (See footnote *) - FLF 44001 - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 3
or FLF 44002 or FLF 44003 (See footnote *) - FLF 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - FLF 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - FLF 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - FLG 3310 - Survey of German Literature I. Credits: 3
- FLG 44001 - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 3
or FLG 44002 or FLG 44003 (See footnote *) - FLG 4405A - Topics of German Literature. Credits: 1 to 3
or FLG 4405B (See footnote *) - FLG 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - FLG 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3
- FLG 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - FLL 1101 - Elementary Latin I. Credits: 4
- FLL 1102 - Elementary Latin II. Credits: 4
- FLL 2201G - Intermediate Latin I. Credits: 4
- FLL 2202G - Intermediate Latin II. Credits: 4
- FLS 44001 - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 3
or FLS 44002 or FLS 44003 (See footnote *) - FLS 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - FLS 4510 - Survey of Early Spanish Literature. Credits: 3
- FLS 4640 - Don Quixote de la Mancha. Credits: 4
- FLS 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - FLS 4645 - Topics in Hispanic Culture. Credits: 3
or FLS 4645A or FLS 4645B (See footnote *) - FLS 4650 - Topics in Hispanic Literature. Credits: 1 to 3
or FLS 4650A or FLS 4650B (See footnote *) - FLS 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - GEO 3530 - Medieval Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Europe. Credits: 4
(cross listed with HIS 3530) - GEO 3990 - Medieval Archaeology, Honors. Credits: 1 to 4
(cross listed with HIS 3990) - HIS 1500G - Roots of the Modern World: Society and Religion. Credits: 3
- HIS 1522G - World History: Slavery and Freedom. Credits: 3
- HIS 1524G - World History: The Age of Sail. Credits: 3
- HIS 1590G - Roots of the Modern World: Society and Religion, Honors. Credits: 3
- HIS 1594G - World History: The Age of Sail, Honors. Credits: 3
- HIS 1598G - World History: Slavery and Freedom, Honors. Credits: 3
- HIS 2560 - Early Modern World History. Credits: 3
- HIS 3100 - History of England, 1066-1688. Credits: 3
- HIS 3120 - Ancient Egypt. Credits: 3
- HIS 3130 - Iraq and the Ancient Near East. Credits: 3
- HIS 3140 - Ancient Greece. Credits: 3
- HIS 3150 - The Roman World. Credits: 3
- HIS 3160 - Ancient Iran. Credits: 3
- HIS 3175 - History of Christianity. Credits: 3
- HIS 3200 - Islamic History. Credits: 3
- HIS 3245 - African History to 1400. Credits: 3
- HIS 3380 - The Golden Age of Piracy. Credits: 3
- HIS 3405 - Absolutist France and The Wider World. Credits: 3
- HIS 3410 - French Revolution. Credits: 3
- HIS 3500 - Climate, Environment and History Since the last Ice Age. Credits: 3
- HIS 3520 - Medieval History. Credits: 3
- HIS 3700G - Turning Points in the History of Religion and Science. Credits: 3
- HIS 3790G - Turning Points in the History of Religion and Science, Honors. Credits: 3
- HIS 4303 - Colonial America to 1763. Credits: 3
- HIS 4304 - Revolutionary America to 1789. Credits: 3
- HIS 44001 - Independent Study in History I. Credits: 1 to 4
or HIS 44002 (See footnote *) - HIS 44441 - Honors Independent Study I. Credits: 3
or HIS 44442 (see footnote *) - HIS 45551 - Honors Research I. Credits: 3
or HIS 45552 (See footnote *) - HIS 46441 - Honors Thesis I. Credits: 3
or HIS 46442 (See footnote *) - HIS 4775A - Selected Topics in History A. Credits: 2 to 3
or HIS 4775B (See footnote *) - HIS 4780 - Origins of Europe: Archaeology and History. Credits: 3
- HIS 4785 - Crusade and Jihad: Religious Violence in the Islamo-Christian Tradition. Credits: 3
- HIS 4800 - The Renaissance and Reformation. Credits: 3
- HIS 4863 - The Trojan War: History and Archaeology. Credits: 3
- HIS 4865 - Alexander the Great. Credits: 3
- MAT 4900 - History of Mathematics. Credits: 3
- MDVL 2000G - Introduction to Medieval Studies. Credits: 3
- MUS 3584 - Music History and Literature I. Credits: 3
- MUS 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 3
(See footnote *) - MUS 4555 - Honors Research. Credits: 1 to 3
(See footnote *) - MUS 4600A - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 4
or MUS 4600B or MUS 4600D (See footnote *) - MUS 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 1 to 3
(See footnote *) - MUS 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - MUS 4870 - Style Period Proseminar. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - PHI 2000 - Ancient Philosophy. Credits: 3
- PHI 2010 - Eastern Philosophies. Credits: 3
- PHI 2090 - Ancient Philosophy, Honors. Credits: 3
- PHI 3220 - Medieval Philosophy. Credits: 3
- PHI 3310 - Indian Philosophy. Credits: 3
- PHI 3320 - Chinese Philosophy. Credits: 3
- PHI 3680 - Buddhism. Credits: 3
- PHI 3980 - Special Topics in Philosophy. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - PHI 4400A - Independent Study I. Credits: 1 to 6
or PHI 4400B or PHI 4400D (See footnote *) - PHI 4444 - Honors Independent Study. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - PHI 4480 - Seminar. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - PHI 4555 - Honors Research. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - PHI 4644 - Honors Thesis. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - PHI 4666 - Honors Seminar. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - PLS 4903 - Classic Political Theory. Credits: 3
- RLS 3900 - Special Topics in Religious Studies. Credits: 3
(See footnote *) - THA 3349 - Classical Acting Styles. Credits: 3
- THA 3751G - Origins of European Theatre. Credits: 3
- WST 3309 - Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 3
(See footnote *) - WST 4000 - Special Topics. Credits: 1 to 3
(See footnote *)
* Courses must be approved by the Committee for Premodern Global Studies for that semester |
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