Program Mission:
The Master of Arts in Communication Studies with an Option in Communication Pedagogy offers a program in advanced scholarship that reflects the development of historical and contemporary influences on communication theory and practice. Specifically, we offer concentrations grounded in a rigorous theoretical base that inform communication practices, therefore preparing students to enter into academic and workplace environments. The Option in Communication Pedagogy prepares students for teaching communication courses. A combination of theoretical and applied courses, instructional practicums and supervised student-teaching provide students with a strong background in communication and pedagogical theory and the opportunity to put the theory into practice.
Admission Requirements: A limited number of students are accepted each year; admission to the program is competitive. To be eligible for degree candidacy, applicants must meet all of the requirements for admission to the Graduate School (See “Admission to Graduate Degree and Certificate Programs”). A minimum of 18 hours in communication studies with a grade of C or better is required in order to be admitted to the program. An applicant must submit to the department a personal/goals statement an academic writing sample, a CV or resume and three letters of recommendation attesting to the potential for successful completion of graduate work. Admission into the Communication Pedagogy option is contingent upon the candidate maintaining a graduate GPA of 3.6 after the completion of 18 semester hours of graduate communication coursework, which must include CMN 5020, CMN 5040 and CMN 5240. If a student does not achieve the required GPA after 18 semester hours they cannot complete the Communication Pedagogy Option but will instead complete the MA in Communication Studies.
International applicants whose native language is not English must achieve a score consistent with the requirements of the Graduate School on a test of English language. While students may be admitted to the Graduate School with fewer than 18 hours in communication studies, any deficiency in undergraduate communication hours must be made up before the student will be admitted to degree candidacy in Communication Studies.
Degree Audit: The graduate plan of study is the EIU Degree Audit, which is generated automatically in the Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) at the time of degree or certificate candidacy. Modifications of the standard EIU Degree Audit are submitted by the graduate coordinator to the certification officer in the Graduate School at the time modifications are approved. The Degree Audit serves as an unofficial summary of requirements for the program. Degree and certificate candidates are advised to review the comprehensive summary of the Degree Audit process specified on the “Requirements for All Degree and Certificate Candidates” section of the Graduate Catalog. Individual programs may require candidates to submit plans of study in addition to the Degree Audit, candidates should consult with the program coordinator.