Semester Hours required for the B.S. in Chemistry Major: 68-93 semester hours depending on Concentration
The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry is comprised of the following common core courses and one of the listed Chemistry Concentrations.
Students who have completed college-level, algebra-based physics courses (e.g., PHY 1151G, 1152G, 1161, 1162) should consult the department chair.
A five year accelerated BS/MS program is available for the Chemistry and Biochemistry concentrations. Detailed information is available at
(Major GPA based on all chemistry courses taken at EIU.)
1 Satisfies certification requirements of the American Chemical Society.
2 Electives in the Chemistry Concentration must include two semester hours of 4000 level chemistry laboratory work in addition to CHM 4915. Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement include Undergraduate Research I-IV: CHM 44001-44004, Honors Research I-II: CHM 45551 and 45552, or CHM 4770.
3 The following may not be used as electives in the Chemistry or Biochemistry Concentrations: Chemistry 1040G, 3025G, 3100, 3200, and 3300.
4 One course is required in concentration; the other may be used as an elective.
5 Electives in the Biochemistry Concentration must include two semester hours of 4000 level chemistry laboratory work. Courses that may be used to satisfy this requirement include Undergraduate Research I-IV: CHM 44001-44004, Honors Research I-II: CHM 45551 and 45552, CHM 4770, or CHM 4915.
6 The following may not be used as electives in the Management Concentration: Chemistry 1040G, 3025G, 3100, 3200, and 4001.