NOTE: Minor in Teacher Certification strongly recommended. Minor courses can be substituted for electives.
Aquatics Proficiency: If you pass the aquatics proficiency exam, you must then take an additional KSS activity course. You are required to have 3 different activities.
Students must complete all the professional coursework under the Regular Secondary Education Professional Education Course Sequence.
Selection to Teacher Education programs should occur following the freshman year but no later than the end of the sophomore year (for transfer students this should occur no later than the end of their first semester at EIU). Selection requires that students pass the Illinois Certification Test of Basic Skills/Test of Academic Proficiency or document a composite score of 22 or higher on the ACT plus Writing.
University Approval to Take Teacher Education Courses should occur at the end of the first semester junior year with Formal University Admission to Teacher Education occurring at the end of the junior year. See the Teacher Certification Program section of this catalog for more information.
Departmental Approval to Kinesiology & Sports Studies must take place after formal admission and acceptance to teacher education. Students must receive a grade of “C” or better in all KSS courses and BIO 2001G in order to apply for formal admission to the Kinesiology & Sports Studies Department and continue in the program.
Departmental Approval to Student Teach must be granted prior to Student Teaching. Students must also pass the Illinois Certification Content Area test for their major prior to student teaching.
Students must pass the appropriate Assessment of Professional Teaching (APT) test before they can receive their teaching license from Illinois or any other state.
(Major GPA based on all Kinesiology & Sports Studies courses taken at EIU.)