1 ELE 4000 must be taken twice.
2 Individuals with an Early Childhood major may achieve an Early Childhood Special Education Letter of Approval on the State of Illinois Early Childhood certificate by successful completion of: SPE 2000, 3000, 3220, 3600, 4720, 4820, 4920 and 4925, and student teaching 8 sem. hrs. in an Early Childhood Special Education preschool setting with 8 sem. hrs. in a primary (first, second or third grade) classroom. Individuals will also delete FCS 4854 and substitute SPE 4600. All courses must be completed with a “C” or better, and practica must be successfully completed.
3 Fifteen semester hours (6 semester hours upper division credit) from Family & Consumer Sciences, Sociology, or Psychology. See advisor for suggested courses.
4 Must be taken prior to student teaching.
Senior Seminar must be taken outside of major.
Selection to Teacher Education programs should occur following the freshman year but no later than the end of the sophomore year (for transfer students this should occur no later than the end of their first semester). Selection requires that students pass the Illinois Certification Test of Basic Skills.
University Approval to Take Teacher Education Courses should occur at the end of the first semester junior year with Formal University Admission to Teacher Education occurring at the end of the junior year. See the Teacher Certification Program section of this catalog for more information.
Departmental Approval to Student Teach must be granted prior to Student Teaching. Students must also pass the Illinois Certification Subject Area test for Elementary Education prior to student teaching.